Handpan Events in times of COVID. Finally, there are Good Vibes ahead …


The last few months have been exceptional. For all of us. But for everyone in their own demanding way.
This virus has changed a lot. One could also say that COVID actually changed the world. Life is somehow different now …

For some professions, this COVID situation is a greater challenge than for others. That Art is definitely one of the worst affected areas of society by the crisis, is undisputed. Many artists lost the basis of their income through the lockdown. As an artist, you simply cannot live without a stage or public appearance.

Fortunately, artists were often thought of – and in many countries at least attempts were made to support artists. Art was once again recognized as an essential part of our life and our society.

What is unfortunately often overlooked or not noticed at all is that without the organizers, no stages would be available for the artists. Without organizers, who often take financial risks to organize events, there would be no platform for art. And there would be no room for you visitors to enjoy art.

Very often organizers are simply ‘overlooked’ and their work and efforts are underestimated! It would be nice if this awareness was spread among the event visitors. Then it would be understood that not only artists need support in difficult times, but also the event organizers!

In this summer of 2020 you really need to be an optimistic enthusiast to put energy into organizing an Handpan event. But some did – and 3 of them answered 3 spezific “Handpan events organizing in COVID times questions”… [scroll down to read the interviews…]

PLEASE Community, show your support, get your tickets, motivate your friends to go with you at least to one of those soulful events. I am very sure, you will not regret !

All Info about the events and the ticket shops you find on the event’s websites:

HUG (Hungary / 14-15-16 August) – https://www.hugfestival.netmax.500 tickets [tickets available], prov.Lineup: Christian Amin Varkonyi, Marcel Hutter, Dani Galfione, Nadishana/Somos Duo, Tosoda Project, and more…

HÄNGAUT (Austria / 21-22-23 August) – http://griasdi-gathering.orgmax.150/200 tickets [sold out], no Lineup but Open Stage ….

PANTRIBE (Belgium / 24-30 August) – https://www.pantribe.orgmax.200 tickets [tickets available], prov.Lineup: Archer & Tripp, Benny Bettane, Christian Amin Varkonyi, IDHEKIS (Darren Dyke & Leo Trincabelli), Jesse & Maaike, Loris Lombardo, Marlia Project, MEA, Mumi, Nadishana/Somos Duo, Quentin Kayser, Romain Geuzaine, Tom Vaylo, and more ….

It will be so nice to meet all of you this summer. Lets enjoy time together, lets share our passion, lets play the handpan, lets jam – lets celebrate life !

Danny, Patrik & Martin – Handpan Event Organizers from Belgium, Hungaria and Austria

3 questions to 3 Handpan Event Organizers and their answers:

1) How did it happen that the 2020 event takes place after all this COVID restrictions ?

Martin/HÄNGAUT (Austria): After we have realized, that we cant make GRIASDI 2020 happen, we did the official cancellation and asked the ticket-holders, to not ask for a refund if possible, to support us. Unfortunatly, this did not work like expected and we decided to totally stop this event … but then, since the Covid-Event-Restrictions became less (at least in austria), and many from the community asked for, we decided to organize an event, but without any lineup (no booking&stage costs, less risk).

Patrick/HUG (Hungaria): Actually it was a long road, until we ended up to go for HUG 2020 in the covid situation… After seeing that more or less all the festivals (especially the handpan gatherings) had to cancel their 2020 program, we felt an “inside pressure” to try to “remain standing”- we couldn’t really imagine a summer without an “outdoor” handpan- gathering – so we just waited until the last moment (in the back the line up was changing constantly, depending the covid situation) – anyway – so despite the lots of difficulties and uncertainty we decided to go for it… i think we are kind of “festival-addicts” – so if there’s no events, we make one 😀

Danny/PANTRIBE (Belgium): We are eager to bring the community together after a long lockdown and no festivals. So as soon as the legal and covid safety framework was in place we pushed full speed ahead. Since our main objective has always been to support the players by paying them s fair fee, this now becomes even more relevant because all their gigs over the summer have been cancelled.. and they need our community support

2) What is your ‘vision’ about your event this year ? What you think visitor can expect there ?

Martin/HÄNGAUT (Austria): The idea of GRIASDI and also of HÄNGAUT is very simple. Create a space, where people can meet on same eye-level, sharing their (HANDPAN / music) PASSION. Its about, that we are all one. And its also about sharing our happyness….. & the Handpan is our connector for this !

Patrick/HUG (Hungaria): Our intention for this year as well to create a space, where people can chill, relax, learn, and have fun and meet different handpan-music and some other worldmusic… we are bringing hungarian folkmusic, reggae, electric, etc…

Danny/PANTRIBE (Belgium): First of all we want to offer the platform for the community to finally meet again. We will have Covid safety measures in place, to provide a safe environment, for everyone. But we will also provide Free Hugs wristbands for those that are open to more personal contact by their own choice.
We are a very huggable community. But we also want to respect everyone’s choice.

3) If the good handpan events fee shows up and gives you a wish, what would it be like?

Martin/HÄNGAUT (Austria): please just help, that EVERYBODY who want to join in a Handpan Gathering/event this summer, will find the way – and since HÄNGAUT is sold out, please send them all to HUG and/or PANTRIBE 🙂

Patrick/HUG (Hungaria): Our wish is to have a 3-day happyness, when we can disconnect from the crazy part of the world, where people can meet, play music, dance… and take this sensation with them ! until next year 🙂

Danny/PANTRIBE (Belgium): The Handpan fairy can bring us safety and perspective.. Both are needed because the worst af this situation is.. not knowing… How will this evolve.. when will it be normal again.. I think she should get out her magic wand.. and bless all the Phoenix Oil to make us immune when our instruments are well oiled and we play at least 2 hrs a day.. 🙂


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