Since i have published some days ago the “rewritten article” about the history of PANTAM’s / HANDPAN’s and also the HANG, some people think, that i dont like the PANART instruments/soundsculptures. Dear good people from PANIVERSE, thats a misunderstanding! I really do love fe. my 1st Gen HANG and in my point of view, its even really special (in quality and how it feels to play) – also compared to all other Pantam’s i have and i have played. There is (nearly 😉 ) no better or worse for me in the world of Pantam’s, as well as in the music is made from this instruments. For me it is more like, that there are different styles, but without rating. And yes, of corse there are personal preferences – and thats very human !
The misunderstanding about my position about PANART probably comes from my personal point of view about, how PANART makes their “business” and how they treat people. I don’t like many things about “their stile” – like sending (tricky) lawyers to PANTAM Makers, thinking that they are the only one know about “singing steel”, no or very low level acceptance in what people play and do with their instruments and not accepting, that also others have the right for development in the field of Pantams and singing steel in general. My point of view – Not more, but also not less !
Yesterday i have got my, directly ordered from PANART, “HANG Gede“. Maybe they did not realize its me who have ordered (we are not best friends, as you can imagine 😉 ) but also possible, that they are just more relaxed than i sometimes think. Anyway – i am grateful for this new “toy” !
I know, that many from the PANTAM Community think in the way like “oh, that’s literally a salad bowl with a lid” – but it isn’t. Its a beautiful “thing”, with tons of hidden features and it has the power, to track you back to beautiful basics about sounds, resonaces and playing, in the meaning of being curious, being ready to listen and to explore…… get into it, its worth !
For more information about the HANG Gede and how to order , follow the links. And don’t think, that what PANART shows with their videos about how to play it, is all you can play. MUCH more is possible – much more ! Thats what i experienced after just a few hours spending on it !
Information about the new Hang® Gede and the other Pang® instruments
Informationen zum neuen Hang® Gede und den anderen Panginstrumenten
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