Wild Naya HANDPAN SUMMER ACADAMY 2023 (Austria)


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Handpan Summer Academy – Austria | Facebook

You want to dive deep with some of the world best handpan players?

You feel the call to listen every evening to incredible handpan music, to move your body, connect to your roots and you feel the longing to connect with an open minded community from all over the world?

YES? We do!

Our Instructors will teach a whole week of handpan, soundhealing, create unique concerts in the forest, in the Retreat Location, at the lake or in sacred outdoor spaces. We combine, Handpan – Wilderness – Movement – Sound in one whole week! For men, women, children & everyone is welcome!

It will take place @Klosternatursinne – close to Vienna, close to Graz (Austria). It will take place from 11th till 17th of July 2023.

We are very happy to see you there and spend a whole week of handpan community and nourishing time with each other.


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